Sunday, December 7, 2008

The best idea I've ever had

I was eating Cap'n Crunch for dinner tonight when I had an epiphany. Why in the world don't they make Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch WITH CRUNCH BERRIES?!? I quickly called Cheryl to tell her idea. She has a history of inventing awesome foods—the next time you're eating chocolate cookies with vanilla frosting or vanilla cookies with chocolate frosting, keep in mind that Nabisco stole that idea from an adorable eight-year old with pigtails and dimples. They taste a little bitter after that. Cheryl prodded me to make this dream come true, so I went to the store and bought a box of each cereal.

When I got home, I dumped all the Cap'n Crunch with Crunch Berries into a big bowl and began to sort out the Crunch Berries from the golden, mouth-shredding pillows.

Then, I poured the Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch and the Crunch Berries into the empty Cap'n Crunch box, mixing them with my pouring.

So, $4 and 20 minutes later...VOILA!...peanut butter & jelly cereal, bitches! Honestly, it was better than I could have even imagined. This needs to be mass produced ASAP! Now, if I could only get Safeway to bring back their red licorice soda...