Friday, September 5, 2008

My first bike ride

After work, I decided to brave the elements and head out on my first bike ride. After all, it was just a drizzle and I was really excited about my new bike. So I changed clothes, threw a water bottle into my backpack and headed out the door.

It only took me about 10 seconds to realize that my assumption that this would be an easier way to work out was horribly misguided. It is just as difficult, if not more difficult, it's just conveniently packed into a shorter time span. My lungs were burning, my thighs felt like Jell-O (and slammed into my gut on each turn of the pedals), I was sweating in places I didn't know were possible and my bruised taint was screaming at me to get a more comfortable seat.

I did go down the trail I found and that was awesome. It's surrounded by woods on both sides, which makes it very peaceful and I loved the smell of wet moss and the sounds of chirping locusts. I didn't see anyone else on my trek, meaning I was the only person lonely stupid committed enough to working out on a Friday night in the rain.

The loop ended up being about 2.5 miles. Now I'm going to take a shower, throw on some sweats and hope I can stay awake long enough to watch Brandon Morrow's first MLB start at 10 p.m.

1 comment:

AMB said...

"taint" - I don't think that word is very professional and I can't believe you'd put it in your blog. Seriously, is that how people talk in Carolina.

You should really use the medical term for a taint - "God's stitching."

Rick Bean